Tag Archives: Weather
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Nobody ever expects a hurricane to show up! Least of all like that at day break!
Crazy Weather
Just the other day I was commenting that I wanted Santa Ana winds to blow into town, and get rid of the June Gloom that stuck around for August. Now, we have a chance of thunderstorms today. Not bad I … Continue reading
The Associated Press: Tropical Storm Bill forms in the Atlantic
The Associated Press: Tropical Storm Bill forms in the Atlantic Watch out world, here I come on a rough and stormy day!
Water falling from the sky. Water falling from the ground. Water on the ground
Huh? The ground outside is wet, and the radar map shows rain nearby. When did this happen? I didn’t think there was supposed to be any rain for a few more weeks.
Local Fires
For those of you outside of Southern California, you may or may not of heard that there are many fires burning. The earliest one started this morning, and all are fueled by fierce Santa Ana winds. There is a Google Maps area … Continue reading
End of summer
Summer is at an end. I thought for sure we’d have an Indian Summer this fall, but just before fall begins, a winter storm is primed to hit Los Angeles. It won’t be as big as the news said yesterday, … Continue reading