Category Archives: Sealife
boat auctions
My brother found some good boat auction deals on GSA Auctions. I’d love to pick up a couple of those for the 1000 minimum bid.
Boating fun!
Well, we had the Say When out to Catalina today. It was Ed and I, our Annoying Cousin Elizabeth, her friend Kate, Cal Tech Girl and Grand Moff Trojan On the way back we encountered some dolphins.
Water Skiing on Sunday?
Who wants to go to Catalina on Sunday to go water skiing? We’d be leaving Long Beach harbor around sun up ( so plan on being at the launching ramp around 6ish). We’d be back around 2 to 5pm ish. … Continue reading
Santa Ana Blues
The Santa Ana’s are blowing again. Nice and strong too from what I can tell. I’d like very much to blow off work today, and go down to the beach to go sailing. Why do the Santa Ana’s always happen … Continue reading
Say When shake down cruise in LA harbor
Ed and I, along with one of our Cousins Doug took out the Say When yesterday, for another 50 mile long shake down cruise in LA harbor. Along the way, we hit a top speed of 57 mph (8mph faster … Continue reading
End of summer BBQ!
It’s time again to do another Bill’s BBQ and Sailing activity! I’m looking at Saturday, October 1st, from noon till about 7 or 8pm. I’ll be sending out email invitations in a day or two, but if you don’t get … Continue reading
Week update!
I’m going to try to make this end of week update not be too weak…. Last Saturday, I went to the Dodger game with Naeem, Ben, Sandro, Caltech Girl, Grand Moff Trojan, and an assortment of other goons. The Dodgers … Continue reading
Sea Lions Sink Boats in Newport Harbor – Los Angeles Times
Sea Lions Sink Boats in Newport Harbor – Los Angeles Times Heh…. All the sea lion does is lay around all day and take fish from tourists. We should eliminate the tourism, and the sea lions will go away. There … Continue reading
Farallon Whale Watching Movies: Humpback Lunge
A demo of the whale watching….. A humpback whale lunging out of the water at the Farallon Islands. This is an mp4 movie, encoded with .h264
Farallon Island Whale Watching trip
I was up in the Bay Area this weekend, visiting Ben for a whale watching trip the Farallon Islands. Then he and I met Sandro in San Jose for the soccer game, but the Galaxy lost 2-1. I’ll be posting … Continue reading