It’s snowing!

Well, it’s not snowing here, but it’ll be raining soon. My annoying cousin, who is up in Mammoth at the moment says it’s snowing lightly, with not much wind, but they had a fresh foot overnight. I’d like to go up this weekend. Anyone interested in that? So far, I’ve had no takers, so it’s an open hope at this point. 

About Bill

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4 Responses to It’s snowing!

  1. Wish we could join you. Say hello to your charming cousin for all of us.

  2. Bill says:

    Oh, the Charming one will be at the Annoying one’s (late) birthday party next week.

  3. Would you quit pussy footing around and get up here already? You’re missing out on some awesome snow. It’s been great conditions even with the white stuff continuing to fall. No more excuses!

  4. I am sorry I missed the party at Mammoth. I had a foot of fresh white stuff on my own lawn, but I sent to girl to Snoqualmie Pass and took the boy to 49 Degrees North to race today anyway. Driving in it is even more fun than skiing. Shoveling is another matter. At least the Fit has snow tires.

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