Woman’s crusade against bar spawns free speech case – Los Angeles Times

Oh goody, another crazy Woman’s crusade against bar spawns free speech case – Los Angeles Times. I’ve walked passed the Village Inn, the bar in question, many times, and never noticed anything going on like that. Can’t say that I’ve ever been inside though, it just didn’t seem like my kind of place.

Still, it’s always fun when Balboa makes the news.

Of course, there is the bigger issue of restricting speech. Interestingly, nothing is said of slander or libel, the usual recourse about making false statements. Apparently, the Village Inn just wants her not to stand in front of their business, and not tell customers that the food is poisoned, or of mafia connections.

However, she does look a little crazy in this photo:
Crazy Balboa Lady, taken from the LA Times article.

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2 Responses to Woman’s crusade against bar spawns free speech case – Los Angeles Times

  1. Dane says:

    Sounds like she’s bullied the entire neighborhood into being afraid of her. If she’s (or rather her attorney is) fighting this under the free-speech bit, then why doesn’t the bar just hire a guy to stand out front with a sign saying ‘she’s the neighborhood idiot, just ignore her’. And if she wins hire another guy to do it in front of her gated community. Harassment is a two-way street.

  2. Bill says:

    A follow up article in today’s LA TImes

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