Volunteer staffing

This Saturday is Downey’s annual Kid’s Day event. Traditionally, Troop 441 has done a monkey bridge for kids to climb up and walk across. Usually a lot of fun. We often have over 30 small kids in line, waiting to attend.

This is usually planned with 5 Scouts helping out. Four working, and 1 on break. This allows people to rest, and enjoy the whole day. We ask for about 2 hours from each Scout. With 20 people attending each meeting, we should be able to cover a full 8 hour day easily, if some people work a double shift. Which people are often happy to.

But… We’re hurting for help this year. 4 of our Scouts are going to the Order of the Arrow Ordeal, to become Arrowmen. That’s more important. However…. we have lots of people who won’t volunteer for this. Not even two hours. Lots of other after school activities.

It’s just a bummer is all. Got me a bit down. But we’ll have a good show of it all on Saturday, no matter what. We can manage.

About Bill

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