I’ve not written much in detail the past few weeks. A few reasons for that. I’ve been working pretty hard at RSI, taking care of samples and training my replacement. That’s right, replacement. I turned in my notice at the beginning of last month, and I will be taking care of a variety of family business items. Which will be interesting.
I had gotten to the point in my career where I am confident and satisfied in my abilities and techniques. There is much I can do with them, and go quite far in a variety of careers. And perhaps I will, in time.
Today was the Downey Christmas Parade. The scout troop was going to march as a group, however we were asked to hold banners in the parade for a variety of sponsors, leaving the troop to march only with our color guard, and the cub pack behind. Makes us look a bit small, and unimportant in the city. However, we were the only troop asked to do the honor of carrying banners. I was in the lead group, and we carried the “Jamba Juice” banner. They had two girls in banana costumes, dancing behind their sign. Exactly what the 11 and 12 year old scouts needed to march with. I’ll see about posting some pictures tomorrow. That’ll be interesting for you to see.
If your blog is suffering from a lack of writing in the last few weeks, then am at a loss… what constitutes a good amount of writing, what’s too much???
: – )
As a matter of attending to various family business items, will that include installing those P-boat engines?
A good amount of writing being defined as idea, analysis and food for thought, as opposed to just posting an idea, or a life update….
The PT Boat engines will remain a hobby though, and not a particular job yet.
awwwww…. boat! boat!!