
It’s late Novemeber, I’m in Mammoth, they have very little to no snow, and what happens?

It’s raining here in town. Only 39 degrees outside. Hopefully the mountain will be cooler…..

So the question is, go up and ski on 6 inches + little new stuff?

I’ll decide after breakfast.


I got 4 runs in on the mountain. Rain at the bottom, blowing ice at the top, while skiing through the clouds. Visibility of 50 feet. Lots of fun. I came back down, and about 2pm, the snow started to fall at the house. We’ve got about a 1/4 inch so far, but it will build. The weather report says it’ll be sunny and windy tomorrow, and sunny on Sunday. Despite the snow sticking right now, there is still water flowing in the gutters on the street. I haven’t taken any pictures yet, but later today or tomorrow.

We’re going to see “Walk the Line” in an hour or so…

About Bill

The owner and proprietor of this site. Feel free to message and say hello
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