No good deed

Goes unpunished. That’s was pretty true to me yesterday, for a variety of reasons.

1) Misc crap with friends, and I suppose now, former friends. Don’t want to go into here publicly, those in the first category know my thoughts, and those in the supposed second category I’m not in contact with. But at least it seems over.

2) I’m on my way out yesterday to help at the Cal Poly Pomona Open House. For the past three years, I’ve run the machine shop there, ever since Professor Don Zook got ill(and then unfortunately passed away). So I’m driving out there, and somebody was kind enough to leave a good piece of metal in the roadway. I hit it with both passenger tires. I pull of to the side, look at the tires, and call them ok. I get out to Cal Poly, I look at the tires, and my rear tire has a good sized cut, and a bubble changing. After the open house, I change it out. I’m going to go over to Sam’s Club today to get a new tire, and prorated for the appropriate road wear.

3) The professor who set up the open house, knew I was showing for 2 weeks now. Why then, was there no free lunch ticket with my name on it? Sure, I grabbed someone else who didn’t show lunch ticket. I ate for free. But it’s the principle of the thing! I get asked, I say yes to helping out, and I don’t even get my name in the free lunch ticket deal?

Ok, I’m working hard at remaining miffed about that one. But of all the things….. Best to try to remained miffed at the little things in life, and let the big stuff go by. Occasionally.

About Bill

The owner and proprietor of this site. Feel free to message and say hello
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