I love LA! It’s begingin to look a lot like October!

The Dodgers won again today, 6 to 5. The Cardinals kept getting up, the Dodgers kept tying it up. The Cards got some lucky breaks on some bad calls, but then they blew it with poor base running and fielding in the 8th inning. I don’t know what the eastern papers see in the Cards shortstop, but he blew a play that then caused the Dodgers to win the game.

Naeem and I were there. Spencer and his wife were going to meet us there, but he never called. I kept a close eye on the cell phone, plenty of signal usually, no messages. I get out in the parking lot, I have a message waiting for me, no missed calls. Damn. I need to make that up to them. They drive all this way, and for nothing. I have an idea, I shall post it latter today after I get a few assurances made. Think last May.

Tomorrow, I sleep in(I hope), and then move stuff out of the parents place to here, and then watch the ball game on TV. So I have to go someplace with a TV, as I do not have one right now.

About Bill

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1 Response to I love LA! It’s begingin to look a lot like October!

  1. Helen says:

    Must’ve been a great game to listen to on the radio.

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