Tag Archives: Skiing
It’s snowing!
Well, it’s not snowing here, but it’ll be raining soon. My annoying cousin, who is up in Mammoth at the moment says it’s snowing lightly, with not much wind, but they had a fresh foot overnight. I’d like to go up … Continue reading
In Mammoth
Ed and I are up in Mammoth right now…. with a full day of skiing ahead of us tomorrow.
Moon over the mountain
I like this photo of the moon over Mammoth Mountain, but I wish I had been able to bring the white of moon out more. It’d certainly be easier if the moon was fuller, but I didn’t get that chance. … Continue reading
Mammoth Pics
I’m back from Mammoth, all set to go back to work tomorrow. It was a good trip, though they need more snow. That’s scheduled to arrive starting on Thursday, with an estimated 5 to 10 feet arriving between then and … Continue reading