Category Archives: Scouting
Kid’s Day
In the city of Downey, the Saturday before Mother’s Day is known as Kid’s Day. Big event for the city, where they host several thousand elementary school age children in an assortment of fun things. Face painting, pingpong ball in … Continue reading
Damn Rain
First Campout I’ve been planning on going on in a few months, and it’s raining. Heavy heavy rain. Tomorrow is cloudy and dry… So far, all the Troops for the Camporee have said they are going. I’m leaving work in … Continue reading
London Fog Sounds
The birthday of Boy Scouts of America is coming up this next week. The legend states that an unknown scout helped William Boyce find his way in the London Fog. While it may of been embellished a bit, the theme … Continue reading
The end of the world: Snowplows in Malibu?
So in addition to the cold weather we’ve been having, a quick rainstorm hit the LA basin. Only, it wasn’t just rain:with snow levels below 1000 feet. If it had been a Saturday, I might of gone up there to … Continue reading
Camporee Planning
To follow up from previous comments…. Gary and I are planning and running the Frontier district Camporee for Fall 2006. While I have a decent plan in my head, we hit a couple possible snags tonight I hadn’t even considered. … Continue reading
Oh what a beautiful morning, oh what a beautiful day….
I’m up early. I’m going to head over, get the big truck, then meet up at Norms for a very early breakfast. Then, at 5:30, we pile 19 Scouts into 4 vehicles, and drive north to Camp Kern in the … Continue reading
Wood Badge Photos
I got home last night from Wood Badge, and here are some of the photos of Coppermine Photo Gallery – Home > Scouting >LAAC Wood Badge WE4-33-06 I’ll post more later, and I haven’t even started working on the video … Continue reading
Volunteer staffing
This Saturday is Downey’s annual Kid’s Day event. Traditionally, Troop 441 has done a monkey bridge for kids to climb up and walk across. Usually a lot of fun. We often have over 30 small kids in line, waiting to … Continue reading
TV tonight
I missed House tonight. Dagnabit. I was installed tonight as Committee Chairman tonight in the scout troop. Basic job description: “Keep the parents happy”. Take the flack off the new Scoutmaster, and make life easy. Paper work and arrangements. Behind … Continue reading
I’ve not written much in detail the past few weeks. A few reasons for that. I’ve been working pretty hard at RSI, taking care of samples and training my replacement. That’s right, replacement. I turned in my notice at the … Continue reading