Behind the scenes stuff

I’ve been doing some behind the scenes stuff on this website, and hopefully people will take advantage of it.The first big one is that I added an RSS feed to my gallery. You can access the gallery via this feed. Unfortunately, it adds each photo as it’s own section. But add it to your favorite RSS feed reader ( I use Google Reader myself, but there are other options too).I’ve also installed a few new plugins on my local machine, to make uploading photos easier. CopperExport allows direct iPhoto access to my gallery. So now, instead of ftp loading photos into my gallery, or using the gallery’s interface for single photo at a time additions, I can open up iPhoto, select the photos, hit export, and select via Coppermine Gallery, and poof, they all appear! I have a plugin to do this direct into this blog as well, but I haven’t been able to get that to connect right. But so far, CopperExport is making things easier, so hopefully I’ll post more photos for you to see. 

About Bill

The owner and proprietor of this site. Feel free to message and say hello
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