One thing I’ve been working on the past few months has been inventory control. Not in depth, but I’ve been developing a few things that need greater control. So far, I’ve been entering information by hand, which is a real pain.
At Fry’s tonight, I finally found a barcode scanner with a USB cable. Not cheap, but not ridiculously expensive. They had a bunch there that didn’t say what type of connector they used, one that said PS/2, and then I finally found an open box unit that had the cable sticking out into the plastic, and it was USB!
I hook it up to my old laptop, the Mac identifies it as a keyboard, but it doesn’t know what kind. I find in the programing manual the right letters (z and /), based on their location next to the shift keys, and it works!
Now all I need to do is change over my systems to barcodes, and just scan them in as needed. Easy as can be, right?
heh. Fry’s rules.
Really? Their return policy is good (usually 30 days, no questions asked), and the inventory level is above average in quantity, but the level of service inside the stores could be better. It’s probably at industry standards, or maybe just below that.