Sea Launch has been an interesting idea, to load a rocket on a ship, move near the equator ( to help in launching), and send satellites up into space. Unfortunately, on January 30th, there was a “anomaly” as they were launch a rocket.
My understanding is that the entire platform was empty, with the entire launch being conducted remotely from the other main vessel attached to Sea Launch.
It’s a shame really, and I hope this does not close down their program. Sea based launches have potential, and certainly reduce the amount of rocket fuel require to lift an object into space, or to allow heavier objects to be lifted.
In railroading, a major derailment is called a “service disruption”.
Funny, unless you are in Virginia, I think your ISP is pulling a fast one on me. I’m pretty sure you are still in Southern California, and yet an IP search says Virginia! Looks like Road Runner is doing that to everyone on their service.
This explains a lot though, as to why I have so many people from a town I had never heard of before.