Header fun!

My annoying cousin elizabeth has posted 3 versions of the header file for review.

go ahead and check out Green, Dark Blue and Hazy Blue.

Tell me what you think, and in the next few days I will make a decision.

So far, Naeem likes the first, and Angela likes first and third, but mostly the first.

Also, I noticed another thing about the blog. In Safari and in OmniWeb so far, the blog looks ok. But in FireFox, the column along the right was at the bottom of the page. Something I need to look at. Hopefully it will be fixed in the revision of WordPress

About Bill

The owner and proprietor of this site. Feel free to message and say hello
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12 Responses to Header fun!

  1. You know my preference lies in either of the blue ones. And i thought i dropped the annoying title?

  2. Helen says:

    I like the way the comment field is set up now. I can see the whole thing on my screen…the way it was before, I wouldn’t be able to see a lot of my words, because they’d continue off the screen, and I couldn’t scroll over.

    Anyway, given the 3 colors, the green looks best, but it’s just because the other two don’t give the pics of you the same contrast and clarity. I kind of like the header the way it is now, though.

  3. She has a point about the clarity. I didn’t even realize the blue one might look slightly muddled until i changed my screen’s color settings. With that in mind, i change my vote to the present one or the green.

  4. Naeem Chaudhry says:

    “annoying cousin” isn’t in caps anymore. I think that means he’s not using it as a title, but instead just as a description.

  5. caltechgirl says:

    if you make the main area or the left side narrower, it will return the sidebar to the top. Firefox thinks it’s too wide. Blogger did this to me a few months ago when I messed with my template.

    Will check the headers and let you know.

  6. caltechgirl says:

    I vote the current one. The green is better than the blues, but the current one is the clearest.

  7. It was in caps? I don’t remember that, but i don’t doubt it either.

  8. Naomi Nelson says:

    I would say the current one, or the Dark Blue. (Yes, of course I must throw a monkey wrench in the ‘vote’ by voting for the one nobody else did) I don’t know if it’s my screen or what, but they show up the best.

  9. Bill says:

    Yes, Elizabeth, the old header was in caps.

    Monkey wrenches are good in plans. If we were all alike in our tastes, it’d be a boring site. And I wouldn’t have so many comments!

    Part of it is the differences between all of our compter screens. LCD’s and CRT’s produce vast differences between themselves. Most color professionals don’t use LCD’s, because they do not accurately reproduce color when printed. It’s correctable and adjustable, but it really can’t be trusted. And CRT’s are a proven thing, with easy color correction abilities.

    ok, back to work now… another hour to go probably!

  10. Naeem Chaudhry says:

    No, Elizabeth, I was referring to “Annoying Cousin.” When it was your title, it was in initial caps, as all titles should be. By typing it out as “annoying cousin” now, it’s no longer a title and merely a description :-p

    And why does your name lose the “a” when posted in comments here, but not anywhere else?

  11. It lost an “a” because i’m enough of a ditz to not notice a typo in my own name.

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