I bought the Crusade DVD a few days ago. I should start watching it from teh start, but no, I’m starting with the X Files Spoof “Visitors from Down the Street”. The crew of the Excalibur comes across a stranded space ship, bring it aboard, and find two aliens dressed in FBI G-Men suits. They turn out to be an alien version of Mulder and Scully. Spoilers below!
It’s a first contact situation, and nobody on the Excalibur can figure out why they know English. “And what is the truth?” The aliens believe that humans have been visiting their world for years, causing havoc and destruction, and controlling the government from within. The stories are very reminiscent of the Roswell and X-Files stories, plus the Face on Mars as Mt. Rushmore.
Quote for the episode: “Remind me again, Lieutenant, howe got into this situation” “An act of mercy sir” “Remind me never to do that again”