Website changes: Statsitics Summary and Kitten’s Spaminator

Click on this Summary to view statistics for this blog

You can go here to view the statistics for my blog. Shows which posts are being viewed, and how often, etc. Unfortunately, it only started collecting data today, so we can only know what happens since. I decided to go with StatTraq I can still use other ones if I like, but those have been a little time intensive for me.

Also, I installed Kitten’s Spaminator to help reduce the amount of spam I’ve been receiving here. I’ve been at about 10 an hour, and while i twas all caught in moderation, it’s is highly irritating for me to delete it all if I am away for a weekend.

About Bill

The owner and proprietor of this site. Feel free to message and say hello
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4 Responses to Website changes: Statsitics Summary and Kitten’s Spaminator

  1. Bill says:

    saying hi here! does this work yet?

  2. wh says:

    guess so

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