IME dinner 2004

The IME Department’s Thanksgiving dinner was held tonight, at Professor Rosenkrantz’s place. Nice set up, well put together. A much better deal than last year at the dining commons. I of course was over dressed in my suit and tie. But I forgot to take my camera in, so I don’t have any pictures. But Dave, Rachel, Tim and others had cameras, and I’ll link to any I find.

Got back in, saw that someone had accessed a webpage of mine that isn’t linked off the main site, but used to be. Google removed it from their search engine, but MSN still has it. I thought about that page for a few minutes, and I didn’t like how I titled it, so I renamed it(not the index.html part, but the description across the top). No, I’m not going to let you know, cause then you could find it. It’s just some pictures for when i feel nostalgic is all, about would of and could of beens.

I did a bit of cleaning today. Moved the desk farther back, to make room for the couches. Ed hasn’t ordered them for me yet, but that’s ok. I’m patient. But I did get rid of 3 boxes of old items, papers and cords and such. A bit more to go, and this place may be both useful and presentable at the same time. Maybe.

Tomorrow, my dad is driving my grandmother to Vegas for the Thanksgiving weekend. She’ll be spending it with family up there, like many years in the past. She doesn’t do well at the altitude at Mammoth, so it works out. But I’ve missed out on breakfast at her place for several weeks now, and will have to go a few more without.

About Bill

The owner and proprietor of this site. Feel free to message and say hello
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