
The services for my brother will be held at Rose Hills on Thursday, at 3pm. This is a public service, for anybody who knew my brother and would like to attend. I’m not sure where in Rose Hills, but it is one of the chapels.

We will then retire graveside, and intern my brother. Then we will have a reception for everyone at my parents place in South Gate. If you can’t make the service and would like to attend the reception, that is perfectly fine.

The school is holding a candle light vigil on Wednesday night at 8pm. I think i shall go down there for that, and use some time before hand to see some old friends in the neighborhood.

If you would like directions to either location, please, post below and I will reply privately in email to you. Or email me direct, or call. But call as a last resort, simply as a time saving measure for me. call for other reasons if you like.

About Bill

The owner and proprietor of this site. Feel free to message and say hello
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1 Response to Services

  1. the revis family says:

    im sorry about all thats going on.

    could we have directions to the house for the reception? thank you

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